Main Gate Square

One of my current jobs is to do content photography for Main Gate Square.  Main Gate Square is a section of businesses close to the University that has a lot of different restaurants and stores to shop in.  I go into all the businesses and take photos of different things like products, food & drinks, or people hanging out and then they use them for their Facebook and Instagram throughout the week.

I go down there once a week to take pictures.  I’ll find out if any of the merchants are having any sales or promotions, specials on food & drinks, new items in the store.  Anything that might help draw more people down!  I’m even starting to get to know some of the people that work there :)  Everyone is really nice and the places are great.


I take pictures of a lot of stuff whether it's yummy, cute or cool!

(scroll through pictures above)

I really like casual and candid photography like this and think it’s great for businesses!  People and products don’t look staged or fake.  Everything’s real life, so I think people can relate to it a little more.

Sometimes Main Gate Square has different events that the stores or restaurants participate in or they’ll even close down the streets for.  Everyone's always in the school spirit since it's right by the University.  Football season it tends to get nice and crazy!


                                                                                                                                                Great guy Tom over at Ooo!

If you ever feel like wandering around or want to try some yummy food, check out Main Gate!    You can check out their Facebook page here and see if you can spot my pictures they use ;)   

                    it really is nice day or night