Borrowing Lenses!

Hi Guys!  

Little bit of a different post today :)  I’m sure some of you have heard of a website called before, but if not, you’re in luck!  Basically Borrow Lenses is a website you can go to to rent all kinds of different camera equipment.  Whether it’s for photography or video, if you need extra batteries or memory cards, they have tons of stuff!   

The way it works is you find what you need, set your rental period and then they mail you all your items.  When you’re done using the goods, you put everything right back in the box they send you, (they even give you the shipping label!) and you just drop it off at UPS. Done.  I think It's a great idea if you’re not sure about buying something.  You can give it a hands on review!  They have good prices and are super easy to use.  

I’ve used them a couple times in the past and again recently, so I wanted to share and make a video about them.  The video below is pretty much that and I give you a look inside the boxes.  I get a lot of questions whenever I tell someone I rented or borrowed something, so this was the perfect opportunity for the post :)  


A couple other good reasons to use them would be if you're going on vacation or to an event that you want a different camera or lens for.  Or say something of yours broke and you need a replacement quick without having to buy something.  You're covered!  You can check out more about Borrow Lenses at their website here! 

Have you ever used them before?  If so, what was your experience like?!  Let me know what you think about renting equipment or if you have any questions, leave them in the comments below!